Starter Boost
A direct point buff. Currently: {{format(D(player.hel[0]/10).pow(0.5).times(10).add(1))}}x | |
Rebirth loop
A direct rebirth power buff. Currently: {{format(D(player.hel[1]/10).pow(2).times(50).add(1))}}x |
Regeneration road
A rebirth point buff based on rebirth power. Currently: {{format(player.rpp.add(10).log10().pow(0.5).pow(D(player.hel[2]).times(10).add(1).log10().pow(2)))}}x |
First Reset Get 2x more point, prestige point and rebirth point. And get 3x more rebirth power and 0.1 more prestige energy. |
Transcend in 900s Continue auto prestige. |
Transcend in 400s You can use transcend point to buy time token (In time tab) |
Transcend in 300s You can use rebirth power to buy time token (In time tab) |
Transcend in 150s Best transcend time boost point gain. Currently: {{format(D(6).sub(D(player.btst/10+1).pow(0.5)))}}x |
Transcend in 100s You can get time token by transcend in a time. |
Transcend in 30s Start with 1 hyper energy and hyper energy unlocked. |
Transcend in 8s Get 1 pp instantly if you can get 100 point per real second. |
200,000x time Speed Get 1% tp you can get on reset per game second. |
{{player.list[a*3+b-4]==undefined?'':"Lv."+player.list[a*3+b-4]}} {{player.list[a*3+b-4]==undefined?'':format(D(1.2).pow((2**(player.list[a*3+b-4]-1))**1.08))+"x"}} |